Opening hours & prices

of Maerchenwald in Wolfratshausen


Keine Testpflicht

Gemäß des bayerischen Infektionsschutzgesetzes 
ist der Freizeitpark Märchenwald von der  3-G-Regelung ausgenommen,
da sämtliche Attraktionen im Freien sind.
Hunde verboten-Schild

Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis, dass Hunde in unserem Park nicht erlaubt sind.

Hunde verboten-Schild

Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis, dass Hunde in unserem Park nicht erlaubt sind.

Rabbit with colorful ears

Opening hours

The beginning of the summer season is unknown at the moment. unknown at the moment.

The Fairytale Forest leisure paradise has closed its gates for the year and all the characters are going into hibernation.

The Fairytale Forest characters always hibernate until 8 days before Easter.
The gates of the theme park will therefore open again on Palm Saturday, 12.04.2025.

The Maerchenwald is open: Daily from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.

Admission is till 4:00 pm. The operating hours of our attractions are from 10:00 am until 12:00 am and from 1:00 pm to 5:45 pm. Every 15 minutes they go around.

You can find all rides on our park overview.

On Saturdays, Sundays and during the Bavarian holidays our rides are active all the time of opening.

In case of bad weather we reserve the right to change the regular opening hours. The amusement park Maerchenwald unfortunately is closed in case of heavy rain! Hopefully you will come back when the sun is shining!

Here you can find out about the weather forecast.


from 18 years
18,00 per day
  • For all attractions, rides & facilities
  • Unlimited use all day long
  • Many different experiences with variety
  • Use of snack places and sanitary facilities


above 85 cm height
16,00 per day
  • For all attractions, rides & facilities
  • Unlimited use all day long
  • Many different experiences with variety
  • Use of snack places and sanitary facilities


under 85 cm height
0,00 per day
  • For all attractions, rides & facilities
  • Unlimited use all day long
  • Many different experiences with variety
  • Use of snack places and sanitary facilities


60 years plus
16,00 per day
  • For all attractions, rides & facilities
  • Unlimited use all day long
  • Many different experiences with variety
  • Use of snack places and sanitary facilities

Birthday kids

up to 14 years
0,00 per day
  • For all attractions, rides & facilities
  • Unlimited use all day long
  • Many different experiences with variety
  • Use of snack places and sanitary facilities


from 18 years
18,00 per day
  • For all attractions, rides & facilities
  • Unlimited use all day long
  • Many different experiences with variety
  • Use of snack places and sanitary facilities


above 85 cm height
16,00 per day
  • For all attractions, rides & facilities
  • Unlimited use all day long
  • Many different experiences with variety
  • Use of snack places and sanitary facilities


under 85 cm height
0,00 per day
  • For all attractions, rides & facilities
  • Unlimited use all day long
  • Many different experiences with variety
  • Use of snack places and sanitary facilities


60 years plus
16,00 per day
  • For all attractions, rides & facilities
  • Unlimited use all day long
  • Many different experiences with variety
  • Use of snack places and sanitary facilities

Birthday kids

up to 14 years
0,00 per day
  • For all attractions, rides & facilities
  • Unlimited use all day long
  • Many different experiences with variety
  • Use of snack places and sanitary facilities

Admission prices & payment

Ride as much and as often as you like! The one time entrance fee makes it possible!

Mother rabbit with child rabbit

By paying the entrance fee, you can use all the rides and facilities as much as you want to. Enjoy the free time fun with many adventures, a great diversion and dive in the world of fairy tale.

You are welcome to pay with EC- or credit cards.

If you are a child you get free entrance at your birthday until you get 14 years old. Just bring your passport with you.
Group rates are available per request at phone: +49 (0)8171 38 55 825.